Courses and Workshops
HopeHealth's wide range of educational courses for professionals and caregivers aim to empower our community with the knowledge they need to provide compassionate care.
Refine List:
To begin, kindly choose the course you wish to attend from our diverse selection. While some courses may not have scheduled dates, we encourage you to contact if you're interested in a course not currently scheduled. We are continuously expanding our course offerings and invite you to check back for updates. Furthermore, clinicians have the opportunity to earn educational credits through our programs.
Please note: all times are Eastern Time (US).
Recognizing the Signs: When to Refer Your Client With Dementia for Support Services
Hospice Symptom Management Part 2
This two-part series is a comprehensive review of the most common symptoms that cause discomfort at end-of-life. Part 1 focuses on assessing and treating pain, dyspnea and anxiety. Part 2 focuses on assessing and treating nausea/vomiting, delirium, agitation and constipation. These courses discuss how these symptoms are typically treated and which medications to initiate for maximum effectiveness. The courses use assessment tools and case scenarios to promote group interaction and discussion.
Hospice Symptom Management Part 1
This two-part series is a comprehensive review of the most common symptoms that cause discomfort at end-of-life. Part 1 focuses on assessing and treating pain, dyspnea and anxiety. These courses discuss how these symptoms are typically treated and which medications to initiate for maximum effectiveness. The courses use assessment tools and case scenarios to promote group interaction and discussion.
Dementia: Understanding the Aging Brain
This 2-hour presentation is intended to educate healthcare professionals on the effects of dementia on the brain and the five senses, how to apply this knowledge to care provided and how to utilize the positive physical approach to connect with the person prior to providing care.
Complex Care Conversations
Complex Care Conversations is a day-long interactive, small-group program for clinicians who treat individuals dealing with serious, progressive illnesses. Participants will learn how to navigate goals-of-care conversations to elicit patients’ values and preferences in a mutually transformative way for clinicians and patients when time matters most.
The Role of the Chaplain in Hospice Care
This course will shine a light on a critical but often misunderstood caregiving role on the hospice team: the hospice chaplain. We will demystify common misconceptions and assumptions about the work chaplains do. Participants should leave this course equipped to effectively partner with chaplains to meet the holistic needs of hospice patients, their families, and the medical professionals who care for them.
Late-Stage Parkinson’s Disease and End-of-life Care
In this program we will take a closer look at late-stage Parkinson’s disease in relation to mortality, risk factors, and caregiver burden, as well as benefits and eligibility for palliative and hospice care.
Palliative Care: Living Your Best Life
Explore how palliative care can improve quality of life by anticipating, preventing and treating symptoms within a supportive family centered approach to care in this 1-hour course.
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Hospice and Palliative Care
In this program we will review how racism influences medical practice, identify action steps for healthcare workers to combat racism and discriminatory practices, and identify how our organizations can work to combat these inequities in healthcare.
Having the Conversation
In this 1-hour course, participants will learn how to best initiate difficult conversations about goals of care, advance directives and terminal illness. We will discuss methods to determine an individual and family’s wishes as well as how to introduce hospice services.
Managing Pain at End of Life
This 1-hour course reviews best practices for identifying and managing pain. Utilizing case scenarios participants will learn to formulate an effective plan of care. Discussions will explore barriers to adequate pain management including the myths and facts about morphine.
Hospice: A Special Way of Caring
Learn the unique benefits of hospice care, when a patient qualifies and how the clinical team supports individuals and families in this 1-hour course.
Designing Meaningful Dementia Activities
Understanding the person living with dementia’s GEM state, personality type and life history, will allow for adjustments to the activity that provide a sense of meaning and joy through their participation in that activity. In this program we will discuss how to identify the GEM state and activities that fit.
Understanding Parkinson's Disease
This program will offer clinicians a better understanding of this disease. We will discuss how it differs from other neurological disorders, diagnosis, complications, treatments and the different stages of this disease. We will also answer some of the most common questions that are asked of the medical community.
Grief and Healing
In this program we will explore how grief manifests and changes over time. We will discuss assessments and interventions to support grievers as well as ways in which we can help them find meaning in the experience.
Understanding the Health Disparities of LGBT Older Adults
This program will provide participants with insight into the health disparities of the LGBT community, barriers to obtaining optimal healthcare, and tips on how we can make their healthcare experiences more affirming.
Unique End-of-Life Needs of LGBT Older Adults
This class will look at the issues faced by LGBT older adults nearing end of life. We will discuss strategies and resources for improving care of our LGBT elders.
Managing Family Dynamics at End of Life
In this program we will discuss challenges that healthcare professionals face due to difficult family dynamics as well as five strategies for managing family behaviors and discord among family members.
Culturally Competent Palliative Care
Studies confirm that many LatinX/Hispanic populations experience poorer outcomes and increased suffering at end-of-life due to barriers in accessing palliative and hospice care. The goal of this program is to bring those existing disparities to the forefront so that as clinicians we can provide all patients and families with optimal support and high-quality care at the end of life, enhancing overall healthcare equity.
Grief and Healing: Supporting Children and Teens After the Loss of a Loved One
Grief is a universal experience shared by all members of a family. This program is intended to provide clinicians with foundational knowledge in how children and teens experience and process grief according to their developmental stages. When we are better prepared to support clients at these young ages, we can offer more comprehensive care to our clients and their families.
Dispelling the Myths of Hospice Care
Some of the most significant barriers to a patient with a terminal illness receiving hospice care are misperceptions held by their families and healthcare team alike. In this class we will address your concerns as well as the most common misperception about hospice care.
Artificial Nutrition and Hydration at End of Life
This lecture provides accurate and evidence-based information about the use of artificial nutrition and hydration at the end of life as well as tips for communication and decision making. Participants will be able to identify common fears, obstacles and preconceived notions about food and nutrition/hydration at end of life. They will understand the normal dying process and be able to help provide a recommendation including the option of a time limited trial.
At the Bedside of the Dying Patient
This program will provide clinicians with an understanding of the changes that occur in care needs and symptom burden in the last days, weeks, and months of life. Participants will be able to identify which interventions to provide to ease those burdens on both the patient and the family.
Effective Communication for Healthcare Professionals
Our communication techniques are key to the success of each conversation we have with our patients and their families. In this program we will look at our own communication styles and techniques. We will also look at how we can identify those of the people we are communicating with to get the most out of each conversation.
Palliative Care and Hospice: A Perfect Partnership
This course will provide practitioners with a detailed understanding of the differences between palliative care and hospice and how they benefit our patients when utilized as partners.
Cardiac Disease and Hospice: When is Your Cardiac Patient Eligible for Hospice?
This 1-hour program offers participants a closer look at hospice eligibility for patients with cardiac disease. We will discuss the guidelines set forth by Medicare, how to identify when your cardiac patient meets these criteria and how hospice services will benefit these patients.
Caring for a Patient with Dementia: Disease Progression and Care Tips
In this course we will identify characteristics of each stage of dementia, discuss common challenges in providing care and identify communication and care tips to improve our daily interactions with patients living with dementia.
Dementia Symptoms and Behavior Changes
This 1.5-hour course will discuss 10 of the most common symptoms and behaviors faced by a person living with dementia and their family. Gain insight from the experts as to why dementia symptoms and behaviors occur and a non-pharmacological intervention to utilize when they do occur.
My Family Member Has Dementia: Helping Young People Maintain Their Relationships with Their Loved One
This 1-hour course is designed to help adults identify ways that dementia affects the relationship between children/teens and their loved one living with dementia. It provides effective communication techniques, educational opportunities and coping mechanisms to support the child in maintaining their connection with their loved one throughout the disease process.
Pediatric Hospice: The Psychosocial Aspects of Care
In this 1.5-hour course you will receive insight into the psychosocial aspects of caring for pediatric patients at end-of-life. With tips on how to communicate best with the child and their family, you will leave with a bolstered confidence in providing care to such a special population.
Pediatric Pearls for Non-Pediatric Professionals
This course will provide non-pediatric clinicians expert advice on how to observe and assess pediatric patients. It will also provide you with explanations of the most common pediatric conditions leading to end-of-life care for this population and tools for communicating with both the child and their parents.
Establishing and Maintaining Ethics and Boundaries
This course will broadly discuss the importance of ethical behavior and maintaining professional boundaries in the workplace.
Advance Directives for Professionals
During this course we will discuss the important information that all healthcare professionals need to know so that they can have successful and productive conversations with their patients about advance directives.
Understanding the Grief Process: The Cumulative Loss of COVID-19
This course will examine the nature of the normal grief process, how it has been altered by COVID-19, and how grief support interventions have changed in response to it.
Managing Challenging Behaviors
This interactive program focuses on recognizing common behavioral triggers, and developing techniques for adapting our own reactions to achieve more positive outcomes with combative or resistant individuals. Techniques adapted from Teepa Snow training on caring for patients with dementia.
MOLST: How and When to Complete
This session focuses on explaining when it is appropriate to complete a MOLST (Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment), how to complete it, section by section, and why it is important to have one.
Comfort Feeding
Develop an understanding of the non-verbal cues associated with comfort feeding. Learn what makes food appealing, how to regulate food temperature and best techniques for hand feeding.
Dementia and Hospice: When is Your Patient Living with Dementia Eligible for Hospice?
This program offers participants a focused look at Medicare hospice guidelines when the terminal diagnosis is a form of dementia. We will discuss the qualifying criteria as well as contributing factors that lead to eligibility for hospice care.
The Grief Journey of the Dementia Caregiver
In this class we will discuss how grief changes for dementia caregivers at each stage of the disease—from anticipatory grief to bereavement. We’ll also examine how to best provide grief intervention and support for caregivers and their families.
All continuing professional development activities were approved by the Northeast Multistate Division Education Unit, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation and the National Association of Social Workers, Rhode Island Chapter, applicable in both RI and MA.